Government Digital Services (GDS)

Enabling Strategy - Licensing and Permissions Business Case

Case Study 5
Case Study 5:

Client: Government Digital Services (GDS, Cabinet Office)

The need:

There was a requirement for the central government digital services team to develop and come up with a strategy, roadmap, and digital solutions to transform and drive the digital agenda to deliver a one government digital platform and to achieve the north star of a one cross government digital services platform for the public to use to access and use any government service.
The need to develop the future cross government and define what Govt as a service / platform would look like. Therefore, there was a need to develop strategy and options further in a final business case. To develop a business case an agile discovery was required to ensure a user centric and evidenced approach.

What we did:

Working closely in an agile multi-disciplinary delivery team, which included developers and user researchers, at pace, we engaged with each of the impacted government departments to gather financial and operational data that supported current delivery and modelled the current ‘as is’ baselines, from which we modelled the various digital development and service design scenarios impact on user contact volumes and on each of the current user journey milestones, as well as the impact on key cost categories.
We also carried out a number of data cleansing exercises which highlighted the data processing issues that agencies could address locally.

As part of the Enabling Strategy programme delivery team, that were managing the programme of work to deliver a suite of financial business cases to support the future of government as a service, we assisted on key ad-hoc benefits realisation work for key DLVA service digitalisation as well as supporting HMRC and other government departments in the start of their one government at the border programme of service digitalisation.

How we delivered value and realised benefits:

We successfully delivered key financial / business analysis output for the financial and operational analysis and modelling for the economic and financial base of the business case provided a robust set of assumptions and savings modelling to support the different phased approaches of delivering real cross government digital service delivery change.
We added value in terms of quality of data, which data gaps modelled with key holding assumptions whilst we project managed data owners to provide more accurate data.

We also inputted into other cases of the treasury green book 5 case business case approach delivered, and our evidence based financial and operational modelling ensured the final business case was approved by the cabinet office and achieved buy in by the government agency leads that would be impacted by the cross agency delivering of the new licensing and permissions service digital model. We also drove value through the process of working closely with government agencies on a singular cross agency platform business case and facilitated cross agency data sharing. The approach, principles, and infrastructure approach to develop government as a platform model still stands today and is continuously driving government agency IT strategy and digital service design.

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